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  • 随着新的802.11技术解决覆盖范围和拥塞问题,Wi-Fi路由器和AP在处理复杂的应用程序和网络技术时,必须支持配置和功能选项的Web界面。性能,稳定性和互操作性的测试和验证对于产品和服务的成功至关重要。


    与QA Cafe工程总监Matt Langlois一起参加特别的现场会议,他将向您展示对物理层之外的全功能Wi-Fi路由器,网关,AP和网状系统进行全面测试的详细信息。主题包括:


    • 测试Wi-Fi网络设备的复杂性

    • 要执行什么测试以及为什么

    • 使用的工具和技术

    • 现场问答等等!






    Matt Langlois

    Direct of Engineering @QA Cafe

    Matt holds an MBA and an MS in Electrical Engineering with over 25 years of experience in computer networking. He has a passion for good and secure broadband, home, and SMB network devices and has designed thousands of test cases to help companies build better networking products.



    时间: 北京时间3/3 晚上11:00






    关于 QaCafe CDRouter, 

    CDRouter is the industry standard in feature, security, and performance testing for broadband and enterprise edge gateways, Wi-Fi APs and mesh systems, VoIP gateways, set-top-boxes, and smart hubs enabling the Internet of Things.