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  • EMITE发布世界首个OTA虚拟路测系统(VDT OTA),让你在实验室中改善4G环境

    EMITE自豪地宣布,可以简单地从您的实验室中进行4G网络的第一个虚拟路测测试。 想象一下,您可以重新运行现有的虚拟路测的测试日志文件,并以重复的方式获得相同的结果,以便您可以检查一些UE更改对性能的影响。 想象一下,您可以重新运行与设备A完全相同的虚拟路测环境,但使用不同的设备。 想象一下,你可以在实验室中做所有外场工作。 一个真正的虚拟路测测试,小而美,重复并惊人! 欢迎使用EMITE VDT OTA测试系统。

    EMITE is proud to announce the very first Virtual Drive Test Over The Air for 4G networks that can be made simply from your desk. Imagine you can re-run an existing drive test log file and get the same results in a repetitive manner so that you could check how some UE changes play a role on performance. Imagine you can re-run the exact same drive test that you did with device A but with a different device. Imagine you can do all that in a lab, from your desk. A real drive test made from your desk, and repetitive. Amazing. Welcome to EMITE VDT OTA test systems.