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  • 其中I系列主要针对小型的IoT (LTE-M, NB-IoT 及 EC-GSM-IoT), MTC (LoRa, Sigfox), 短距离无线技术 (BT 1.0/2.0, BLE, ZigBee, Z-Wave) 及 WLAN 802.11abgnac (2.4 and 5 GHz bands) 。待测物尺寸可达到15cm大小及5kg重。
    最新的Hybrid F200系列,提供AC(电波暗室)及RC(混响室)两种测试模式,可以针对所有尺寸的产品进行测试(MIMO OTA, WIoT, MTC, WLAN, VDT OTA, FF, SNF, eNodeB, EMC, wereables, pre-5G) 覆盖的频率范围为200 MHz 到 40 GHz,测试待测物尺寸能到2m,500kg重。


    EMITE releases the I-Series RC, the PT-Series RC and the F-Series Hybrid RC/AC Chambers


    EMITE releases the PT-Series small-size Reverberation Chambers, a one-of-its-own set of chambers for Production parallel Testing of up to 8 DUTs, the I-Series small-size Reverberation Chambers with the smallest footprint on the market for small-device OTA testing and low cost, ideal for W-IoT OTA research, development and compliance testing, and the worldwide-unique F-Series Hybrid Reverberation/Anechoic Chamber, capable of testing EMC, antennas, base stations, MIMO, W-IoT, Short-Range, WLAN, VDT-OTA, 2G to 4G and pre-5G testing in both reverberation and anechoic chamber modes up to 16x16 x 8DL CC, certainly the most-advanced OTA chamber that exist.