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  • Dot11 (北美实验室) 增加了基于octosbox的WiFi OTA测试能力
    dot11 Labs Adds Over-the-Air Testing with the octoScope® octoBox® Testbed
    马萨诸塞州利特尔顿,2018年1月31日 - octoScope®今天宣布,作为Wi-Fi性能测试服务提供商的dot11 Labs将在其测试服务中使用其octoBox®个人测试平台。
    dot11 Labs是一家独立的测试实验室,专门从事Wi-Fi性能测试。 除了octoBox测试功能外,dot11 Labs还在一个大型单户住宅中提供基于802.11T的自动吞吐量测试。
    通过添加octoBox个人测试平台,该实验室为零售,企业和运营商级接入点和客户提供OTA测试服务。 dot11 Labs与octoScope合作,为希望在SNB测试环境中预测试和优化性能的客户提供SmallNetBuilder.com(SNB)预测试。 该实验室还将使用octoBox测试平台提供SNB的Mesh测试。

    “We work with customers who want to optimize the performance of their products and ensure they are providing superior Wi-Fi access” said Craig Smith, president of dot11 Labs. “We frequently run open-air tests and when we see performance that is not expected, we’ve found that reproducing that issue in the octoBox is the best way to confirm the issue is not related to the open-air environment. This saves us time troubleshooting and resolving issues with remote engineering teams and gives us the ability to do the kind in-depth testing necessary for today’s complex wireless systems.”

    The octoBox® product line includes the STACK-BENCHTOP, STACK-16 and STACK-SNB personal testbeds, which emulate real-life wireless environments and range in size from a desktop/benchtop model to refrigerator-sized testbeds on wheels. The STACK-SNB that dot11 labs is using, is the most comprehensive of the standard octoBox configurations. The testbed was defined collaboratively by octoScope and SmallNetBuilder.com. It tests throughput vs. range; maximum 4x4 MIMO over-the-air throughput; and the ability of a mesh network to optimize airlink capacity.

    “Our octoBox STACK SNB enables testing of MIMO-OTA throughput vs range and orientation, as well as roaming, band steering, and mesh networking,” explains Leigh Chinitz, CTO of octoScope. “The octoBox software interface makes it simple to configure and automate tests and reduces the time it takes to run through a series of tests, even complicated MIMO-OTA throughput and mesh tests. Test engineers can perform fast, comprehensive, and repeatable testing right at their desks.”

    About octoScope

    octoScope is the market leader in accurate and repeatable automated wireless personal testbeds. Our patented technology redefines the accuracy, stability, economics and value of over-the-air wireless testing. octoScope’s product line includes the octoBox testbeds with robust solutions for isolation, interference generation and evaluation, client emulation, and essentially all the elements required to evaluate the behavior and performance of a broad range of wireless devices and systems. octoScope’s headquarters is in Littleton, Massachusetts. Watch our video for details about the octoScope Personal Testbed and its new Pal.