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  • EMITE和上海柏联克合作在上海建立



    EMITE, Paralink and China TA Lab work together to open the

    first EMITE Demo Center in Asia


    今年六月中旬,上海柏联克科技公司(ParaLink Shanghai)、EMITE公司以及中国同耀实验室(TA)共同合作,在上海浦东的唐镇工业园区,成立亚洲第一个 EMITE产品展示中心。

    该展示中心将展示EMITE的设备和样品测试,可以提供2G与3G设备的标准TRP/TIS的测试、复杂的8x8被动式MIMO天线的测量、4G LTE FDD/TDD的MIMO性能测试、以及全自动化长时间的无线区域网路(WLAN)TCP/UDP TPUT时域测试。


    这个展示中心是由EMITE公司、上海柏联克科技(ParaLink)公司与中国同耀实验室(TA)共同合作成立的,也会在六月中旬于上海举办第一次的MIMO OTA 研讨会,欢迎业界各公司共襄盛举。


    EMITE opens Show Room in Asia (Shanghai, China)


    Everything is ready for the opening of EMITE's first Show Room in Asia next week. Located at the heart of Tangzhen Industrial Park in Shanghai, China, a few miles away from Pudong International Airport and within walking distance to great hotels and malls, the first EMITE Show Room in Asia contains the latest MIMO state-of-the-art Reverberation Chamber testing technology by EMITE.


    Existing and potential customers are now able to eye-witness how devices with the latest technologies can be tested Over The Air. From standardized TRP/TIS tests of 2G or 3G devices, complex 8x8 passive MIMO antenna measurements to advanced 4G LTE FDD/TDD MIMO Throughput or unheard-of fully-automated overnight WLAN TCP/UDP TPUT time-domain tests, the EMITE Show Room will endeavour demonstrations and sample testing never seen before in China. The Show Room is a joint venture with Chinese CATR TA lab and Paralink Networks, and the first MIMO OTA Seminar is already been prepared for mid June, 2016.


    "We are proud to have this long-wanted project become true. Our customers can now troubleshoot new prototypes and observe new testing methods and figures of merit before purchasing upgrades, and potential customers will be able to see the extraordinary advantages or our RC-based test systems, which have made us lead the RC-based MIMO OTA test arena”, said David A. Sánchez-Hernández, CEO of EMITE. "The extraordinary partnership with CATR TA lab and Paralink Networks will make this Show Room the talk of the town, and make a significant impact on our business in Asia in a very short time", added Lorenzo J. Martinez-Moya Scharpf, Sales Director of EMITE.