網站連結: http://www.octoscope.com/English/Products/octoBox_Testbed/octoBox_Testbed.html
Octoscope 重新定义了三种个人化的配置,符合高精度、可重覆性及全自动化无线测试需求
Octoscope做为无线测试的领先厂商,近期定义了三种新的配置,分别为Stack-Benchtop, Stack-16及Stack-SNB。Octoscope提供小型化的屏蔽箱,大小可以从一台电脑的尺寸到一台电冰箱的尺寸,能够取代传统的屏蔽房,让更多工程师能方便的搭建,并同步测试结果。
Stack-Benchtop 提供了最小型化的尺寸,能做方向性、抗干扰测试、穿墙、吞吐量、实时空口监听、漫游、频段切换(Band steering)、抓包等功能。
Stack-SNB主要是遵循SmallNetBuilder的测试规范,实现方向性、穿墙、漫游、频段切换等吞吐量测试,以及Mesh网络测试。 -
OctoScope octoBox Wireless Testbed
octoBox is a small stackable anechoic testbed used for testing wireless devices and systems. It isolates the devices under test from the outside interference and creates a stable environment for achieving repeatable throughput measurements.Engineers use the octoBox testbed to measure throughput of the new 802.11ac or 4G MIMO devices. octoBox testbed can also be configured for video over Wi-Fi testing, mesh testing (self-forming, self-healing functions of a mesh), high speed roaming and other wireless tests.octoBox can be used for testing Wi-Fi, 2G/3G/4G, Bluetooth GPS and other devices.It offers ideal conditions for multi-stream MIMO throughput and supports the operating frequencies from 700 MHz to 6 GHz.In a typical throughput testbed being used for benchmarking by SmallNetBuilder.com, two octoBox chambers house wireless devices in the link under test. The DUT (device under test) is placed into the top chamber and coupled to the Master device over the air through a 4x4 MIMO test antenna array. -
octoBox quadAtten – DC to 6000 MHz
Module with 4 programmable RF attenuators individually controllable via USB or Ethernet/PoE – 63 dB range * 0.5 dB step
octoBox® quadAtten module contains 4 individually programmable RF attenuators. quadAtten offers the best RF isolation on the market, making it suitable for highly controlled octoBox wireless testbed environment. While off-the-shelf attenuators have to be internally mounted due to inadequate isolation, octoBox quadAtten module mounts externally for easy access. Each of the 4 attenuators can be individually controlled via USB or Ethernet/PoE.
octoBox® iGen™ – Interference Generator
Programmable interference generator emulates Wi-Fi traffic and interference waveforms, including radar
The octoBox iGen module is used to create realistic interference conditions for testing wireless devices and systems. iGen supports 802.11a/b/g/n/ac with the ability generate traffic interference or broadband waveform interference. Waveform interference generation includes radar waveform for DFS (dynamic frequency selection) testing, cordless phones, Bluetooth, microwave ovens, baby monitors and other sources of interference. Traffic can be configured for specific load, channel frequency, channel width or priority. -
octoPal™--Emulate AP and station
The Pal is the brains of the octoBox testbed. Like a Swiss army knife, the Pal provides a broad range of important test functions, including throughput testing of access points and client devices, expert analysis, packet capture, traffic and interference generation. The key value of the Pal is that in addition to having a real chipset with the latest full protocol implementation, it can also be configured as an expert test instrument, emulating virtual stations.
Designed to perform a variety of complex tests, these versatile testbeds incorporate other building blocks in the octoScope product line, including the quadAtten® programmable attenuator, iGen® interference generator, MPE2 multipath emulator, and browser based test control software suite with a comprehensive API for extensive test automation.
“The octoBox testbed makes it possible to run through a series of MIMO-OTA throughput and complex mesh tests in hours vs. the days it would take in a real house,” said Tim Higgins, Principal of SmallNetBuilder.com. “It also provides capabilities unavailable in a real house, including highly controllable test network topology, signal levels and motion emulation,” Higgins added.
“The octoBox offers several important advantages over the conventional walk-in isolation chambers. Being a configurable multi-chamber system with built-in instruments, it can run a variety of tests from a simple throughput vs. range test to a complex multi-node system test or a roaming test,” said Craig Shabot, Wireless Consortium Technical and Operations Manager at UNH InterOperability Lab. “Our test services including performance and compliance testing, heavily rely on the octoBox test platform with its test automation capabilities.”