MARBEN V2X Software Solution
Marben是电信,运输和汽车市场通信解决方案的全球领导者。 Marben的进化软件使汽车行业能够快速部署智能,自动化和安全应用程序。 Marben的电信解决方案提供可互操作,高效且强大的解决方案,以帮助缩短其客户的产品上市时间。 主要产品线:MARBEN V2X,用于快速开发V2X设备,该设备集成了道路安全应用程序和新的车载移动服务; MARBEN DiamX,Diameter信号提供可将您的应用程序快速连接到4G LTE / IMS网络,并深度设计不断增长的漫游服务和流量需求; MARBEN ASN.1加快3G / 4G无线网络设备和未来智能交通系统的发展。
MARBEN V2X has been designed to satisfy these demanding performance requirements. Together with a cooperative ITS protocol stack that conforms to the European and US profile, MARBEN V2X offers a user-friendly C++ API and pre-defined safety applications that will speed up the development and integration of your ITS applications into onboard or roadside units. MARBEN V2X supports the ETSI ITS and SAE DSRC message sets and manages a Local Dynamic Map (LDM). It includes the Basic Transport Protocol (BTP), the GeoNetworking layer, Network Mobility Support (NEMO) and WAVE Short Message Protocol (WSMP). MARBEN V2X supports ITS G5, WAVE, 4G/LTE and 3G networks.
Fully scalable to take advantage of multi-core processor architectures, MARBEN V2X is ready to support the significant increase in the volume of Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) messages that will be exchanged when Cooperative ITS will be widely deployed. Moreover, by relying on MARBEN ASN.1 tools that enjoy a solid reputation for efficiency and robustness and are extensively deployed in the field, MARBEN V2X is the most efficient stack available on the market. Delivered as portable source code, MARBEN V2X can run on most operating systems and hardware platforms even on highly constrained systems.
Cooperative ITS
ITS (Intelligent Transportation Systems) are support systems for an efficient and safe use of transport infrastructures. Existing road ITS and driving assistance systems already increase road safety, reduce environmental impact or improve traffic management but additional benefits will come from sharing mobility information between vehicles and road infrastructures thanks to Cooperative ITS.
Sharing mobility information between vehicles and road infrastructures requires continuous communication for up to date information about vehicle states and their environment. ITS stations (vehicle and infrastructure) will constantly send and receive messages to and from stations in their neighborhood which results in a high volume of transmitted data during heavy vehicle traffic. Therefore, ITS stations must be able to process a huge volume of messages within a very short time and support specific routing, transport and access technologies for direct vehicle communication.